Public Funds
Galicia Exporta Empresas
Himikode Tech SL has been awarded a grant from the Galicia Exporta Empresas Program 2024

Himikode Tech SL has been awarded a grant from the Re-acciona Program 2024

Bono Talento Empresa
Himikode Tech SL has been awarded a grant from the Bono Talento Empresa 2024-25 program.

The Himikode Tech SL staff participates in an 80-hour course with the training and consulting company Kamuk, thanks to the Talent Company Vouchers from the Xunta de Galicia.
The training is carried out under the Talent Company Vouchers, grants aimed at short-duration, non-formal training projects.
Over the months of November, December, and January, 3 colleagues of us took part in a training course on sales skills, communication, and customer experience. The course, 80 hours long, was titled Developing Customer-Centered Sales Teams: Sales that Make a Difference,.
The objectives of the training are:
- Develop advanced sales skills to increase effectiveness and efficiency in the sales process.
- Foster a customer-oriented culture to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
- Enhance participants' emotional intelligence and communication skills to improve their interactions with clients.
- Promote adaptability and flexibility in sales approaches based on market needs and customer styles.
- Facilitate the development of key competencies such as proactivity, empathy, problem-solving, and teamwork.
This training is funded through the Talent Company Vouchers. This grant is offered by the Consellería de Empleo, Comercio y Emigración through the Subdirección General de Cualificaciones y Capacidades para el Empleo. It is aimed at companies to deliver "micro-credentials": non-formal, short-duration training activities, ranging from 16 to 100 hours, targeted at their employees, to finance the investment in workforce training, with the goal of improving their performance and skills and, in turn, increasing their competitiveness.
This line of aid for micro-credential training is framed within the Agenda de Capacidades Europea for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness, and resilience (COM 2020 274) and its Recommendation of June 16, 2022, on a European approach to micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability (2022/C 243/02). It is co-financed at 60% by the Fondo Social Europeo Plus (FSE +):
- Political Objective 4: “A more social and inclusive Europe by implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights”
- Priority 1: “Employment, adaptability, entrepreneurship, and the social economy”
- Specific Objective ESO4.4: “Promote the adaptation of workers, companies, and entrepreneurs to change, active and healthy aging, and a healthy and well-adapted work environment that addresses health risks” Measure 1.D.01.: “Agenda Gallega de Capacidades para el Empleo. Formación de personas trabajadoras”

Himikode Tech SL has been awarded a grant from the Investigo 2024 program.

Himikode Tech SL has been awarded a grant from the DeseñaPeme 2023 program.

Himikode Tech SL has been awarded a grant from the Investigo 2023 program.

Conecta Hubs
Himikode Tech SL has been awarded grants from the Conecta Hubs program, which is aimed at collaborative projects in the strategic areas of digital innovation hubs. projects in the strategic areas of digital innovation hubs that allow them to advance in their specialization and consolidation within the specialization and consolidation within the framework of the RIS3 Galicia, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (Feder) under the Regional Development Fund (Feder) within the operational program Feder Galicia 2014-2020 (Procedure Code IN852B) and supported by the Second Vice-Presidency and the Consellería de Economía, Empresa e Innovación.

Project IN852B/17, MilkChain, “Digital Certification of Traceability by means of tools facilitating tools in the dairy industry value chain”, is led by Grupo Leche Río, S.A. within the consortium composed by PS Vet Dairyquality S.L., Proymaes S.L., Innogando S.L., Himikode Tech S.L. The project main objective is the creation of a traceability system in the food industry linked to the value chain of the Leche Río group.
Its main objectives are:
- OG1: Research on the different enabling technologies applied to the value chain in its different chain in its different critical points.
- OG2: Evaluation and improvement of these technologies by developing pilot validations among SMEs, research centers and in the tractor company.
- OG3: To develop an integral “turnkey” service that allows control over the impact on the value chain of the impact on the dairy industry value chain including devices for continuous data capture, artificial vision, artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain solutions aimed at a digital certification of traceability and an application aimed at adding value to the data processed at the end customer and distributor level.
Currently, the tasks corresponding to the year 2021 are being carried out according to the excecution schedule.
Himikode Tech SL has been awarded a grant from the InnovaPeme program

Himikode Tech SL has been awarded a grant from the Principia program

IFI Innova
Himikode Tech SL has been awarded grants from the IFI Innova program, under the Instrumento Financiero Pemes Galicia loans aimed at promoting research, technological development and innovation, confinanciada por la Unión Europea bajo el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Feder) dentro del programa operativo Feder Galicia 2014-2020 (Código del procedimiento IG246) y apoyado financieramente por el Instituto Gallego de Promoción Económica (IGAPE) y la Xunta de Galicia.

The project, with file number IG246.2020.1.29, focuses on the evolution and improvement of the complete hkoffee system, both in the IoT part (hub and connections) and in the data analytics part (platform), to increase the functionalities of the system and improve its external appearance.
The strategic objectives of the project are:
- OE 1: Development of a product with high added value for the potential market of the coffee sector and, above all, with a modularity that allows it to be oriented to different equipment and processes that occur in the HORECA channel.
- OE 2: Increase the scalability and modularity of the system for exporting the solution to new European markets thanks to remote management, facilitating implementation and deployment in new environments.
The following results have been achieved:
- Improvement of the hkoffee system.
- UX/UI improvement.
- New frontend for traffic analysis.
- Deployment of pilot LoRa network to improve communications of hkoffee deployments.
- Redesign of the external appearance of the hub.
- New features.
- Events acquisition system through audio:
- Acquisition device.
- Artificial Neural Network for events classification.
- People counting module.
- Acquisition prototype.
- Artificial Neural Network for affluence measuring and segmentation.
- Back-end integration of channels other than Foodservice.
- Data exporting capabilities for external systems.
This project has been successfully completed and closed in April 2023.
Himikode Tech SL has been awarded a grant from the Re-acciona Program 2020