Kit Digital

What is Kit Digital?

The objective of this program, promoted by the Government of Spain, is the granting of aid for the implementation of digitization solutions included in the Program's Catalog of Digitization Solutions by SMEs and freelancers.

If you want to be a beneficiary of this aid and our services, request the Digital Voucher to be a beneficiary of the service catalog.

You can find all the information about the calls for proposals on the AceleraPyme website.

Contact us and let us bring your company up to date.

We offer the following services within the digitalization categories.

Business Intelligence and Analytics

Say goodbye to disorganized invoices and boring accounting. Join the global view of your data anytime, anywhere. Make the best decisions faster, visually and easily.

Business Intelligence and Analytics platform.

Business Intelligence makes the most of the data you generate as a company, optimizing your business decisions and reporting while improving customer satisfaction.

To guarantee the maximum exploitation and visualization of your data, we offer you the use of a specific platform for data analysis. Depending on your business objectives and data processing, we can adapt the platform to a modern self-service analysis approach or for deeper and more advanced visualizations.

For this process, our team offers you the following services:

  • Parameterization for the definition of the particularities of your marketing processes and data loading.
  • Data integration with other databases: this solution will allow you to access other databases and make comparisons with the exposed data.
  • Data warehousing.
  • Creation of structured and visual data dashboards: this solution will allow the creation of customized data dashboards with relevant data and different forms of visualization.
  • Data export: the solution will allow exporting data to images or Excel documents, creating synergies and compatibility with different programs commonly used by users.

In addition, from our team and as a digitizing company, we are committed to help as much as possible to those companies that are starting their experience in the digitization and exploitation of data. Therefore, to complete the Business Intelligence & Analytics service we have at your disposal the following complementary services at no additional cost:

  • Training in Business Intelligence and Visual Data.
  • Visual Data analytical and branding service.
  • Data Science technical consultancy.


Segment Employees Amount (€) Users
Segment III From 0 to 2 employees 1.500€ 1 user
Segment II From 3 to 9 employees 2.000€ 1 user
Segment I From 10 to 49 employees 4.000€ 3 users

Secure communications

Do you want to protect your company's internal network from outsiders? Do you want to ensure that your employees' devices are secure? We make it easy for you!

Secure communications system.

We provide a customized encrypted communications system for computers and mobile devices. Initial configuration and periodic security updates. Private network connection exclusively to devices authorized by the company and a record of users connected to the network.


Segment Employees Amount (€) Users
Segment III From 0 to 2 employees 125€/user Up to 2 users
Segment II From 3 to 9 employees 125€/user Up to 9 users
Segment I From 10 to 49 employees 125€/user Up to 48 users


Are you one of those who distrusts even your own shadow? Those times are over! Now you can protect your data in the safest way so you can go home with peace of mind.

Threat protection system.

A system will be implemented to facilitate the analysis and detection of threats. Initial configuration and security updates. Training for the configuration of security software and web monitoring. Antimalware, Antispyware and Antiadware included.


Segment Employees Amount (€) Devices
Segment III From 0 to 2 employees 125€/user Up to 2 devices
Segment II From 3 to 9 employees 125€/user Up to 9 devices
Segment I From 10 to 49 employees 125€/user Up to 48 devices

Process management

Do you feel that the day-to-day management of your company robs you of valuable time that you could be spending on generating more value? Achieve greater efficiency by digitizing and automating your company's processes.

Integral management system of business processes.

With our solution we help you to be more efficient in the management of your business processes in the most operational and productive aspects of your activity through the automation of processes and workflows.

We offer you a parameterization service according to the size of your company and the implementation of a system that will allow you to manage your accounting and finances, automate invoicing processes, manage your projects through budgets and costs, manage inventories and purchase orders and suppliers, manage your human resources and payroll and manage your logistics. All of these with a system with the ability to integrate with other tools and scalability to grow according to your company's needs.


Segment Employees Amount (€) Users
Segment III From 0 to 2 employees 2.000€ 1 user
Segment II From 3 to 9 employees 3.000€ 3 users
Segment I From 10 to 49 employees 6.000€ 10 users

Customer management

Do you need to have control over your commercial relationships for customer acquisition and loyalty? Digitize your customer management to increase efficiency and control over your customers and leads to increase your sales.

System of integral management of commercial relations.

The solution allows you to automate and centralize the management of commercial actions to establish strategies more adapted to the characteristics of your customers and increase your sales.

Our service includes the parameterization according to the size of your company and the implementation of the system that will allow you to manage current and potential customers (leads) and commercial opportunities, the creation of commercial actions, document management, and alert and reporting systems. In addition, the solution allows integration with other platforms and is responsive for use from any device.


Segment Employees Amount (€) Users
Segment III From 0 to 2 employees 2.000€ 1 user
Segment II From 3 to 9 employees 2.000€ 1 user
Segment I From 10 to 49 employees 4.000€ 3 users

Website for your company

Don't have a digital presence and need a web portal for your company? We create a website tailored to your needs so you can enter the digital world.

Website and basic presence on the Internet.

designs and develops your website according to your activity and needs. We offer a service to implement a website with several sections, responsive design, self-manageable and with all accessibility guidelines. The service includes domain and hosting for 12 months, basic optimization of internet presence, the possibility of integrating other languages and basic internet positioning in the main professional business directories.


Segment Employees Amount (€)
Segment III From 0 to 2 employees Up to 2.000€
Segment II From 3 to 9 employees Up to 2.000€
Segment I From 10 to 49 employees Up to 2.000€




If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it. -William Thomson Kelvin